

Welcome to the GREENVEU Toolbox, your resource hub for empowering recruitment in Green VET Education.

Our toolbox is designed to equip VET institutions throughout Europe with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively connect with our target groups – young people and career changers – and inspire them to join the sustainable workforce.

Discover effective strategies for recruiting students to Green VET education.


Access our GREENVEU Tools: use them to conduct Research after the drivers or your target groups, create Personas, and develop an effective Recruitment Strategy (Game Plan). Reach out to your stakeholders, organise Events and create an Online Community.

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Best practices 

Explore insights and lessons learned from our project on recruiting young people and career changers to VET institutions.
We've gathered best practices to guide your recruitment efforts: check out our collection of best practices to gain valuable insights and inspiration for attracting students to Green VET education.

Read more

Infomercials and other materials

Our infomercials are designed to captivate and inform, showcasing the exciting opportunities and benefits of Green VET education.
These materials are freely available for you to use, share, and adapt to suit your needs.

We encourage you to explore our collection of infomercials and other materials to gain inspiration and insights into effective recruitment strategies. But that's not all – we also invite you to leverage these resources to develop your own materials tailored to your specific target groups.

Watch and download

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. The EU funded project GREENVEU has developed this website. However, because it is created and will be maintained within the digital environment and maintenance of Katapult (Platform Talent voor Technologie), which is one of the GREENVEU project partners, the same Privacy Statement (including a cooky policy) will be kept in place: Privacy statement.